NAR Letters to Congress
Water Resources and Water Quality (Environment)
- 06-27-2018 NAR Letter to Senator Cotton Regarding WOTUS Amendment
- 04-25-2017 NAR Letter to Senate Environment Committe Regarding WOTUS Hearing
- 06-21-2016 NAR Letter to House Science Committee Regarding EPA Science Hearing (WOTUS)
- 05-24-2016 NAR Letter to Senate Fisheries Water and Wildlife committee Re WOTUS Hearing.pdf
- 02-10-2016 NAR Letter to theHouse Committee on Agriculture Leadership Regarding WOTUS
- 01-12-2016 NAR Letter to House Leadership Regarding WOTUS Congressional Review Act Resolution
- 11-23-2015 NAR Letter to Senator Rounds Identifying the Rules and Regulations that Impact the Real Estate Sector
- 11-02-2015 NAR Letter to the Full Senate Supporting S 1140, The Federal Water Quality Protection Act (WOTUS)
- 06-25-2015 NAR FY 2016 Support Letter to House Committee on Appropriations and House Interior committee
- 06-17-2015 NAR Letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Supporting FY2016 EPA Provisions
- 06-15-2015 NAR Letter to House Appropriations Committee Regarding FY2016 EPA Provisions
- 06-09-2015 Coalition Letter Supporting The Federal Water Quality Protection Act of 2015
- 06-08-2015 NAR Letter to Senate Environment Committee Members Regarding WOTUS Markup
- 05-18-2015 NAR Letter to Senate Wildlife committee Urging Support of the Federal Water Quality Protection Act
- 04-29-2015 NAR Letter to the Full House Urging Support for H.R. 1732 Waters of the U.S. bill
- 04-13-2015 NAR Letter to House Transportation & Infastructure Cmtte on Waters of the U.S.
- 11-19-2014 Waters Advocacy Coalition (WAC) Letter to Key House and Senate Apropriators in Support of Defunding EPA Proposed Clean Water Act Extensions
- 09-17-2014 NAR Coalition Letter to the Senate Urging a Yes Vote on H.R. 5078
- 09-08-2014 NAR Coalition Letter to the House Urging a Yes Vote on H.R. 5078
- 09-08-2014 NAR Letter to House Urging Support of HR 5078
- 07-29-2014 Letter to the House Small Business Committee on the Definition of the "Waters of the USA"
- 07-15-2014 NAR Letter to House Transportation Committee regarding Waters of the U.S. Bill
- 06-18-2014 Waters Advocacy Coalition (WAC) Letter to Senate Appropiations and the committee on Energy Water Development Urging a yes vote on the WOTUS Amendment
- 04-25-2014 NAR Letter to Rep Shuster Opposing Clean Water Act Clarification Proposal
- 04-27-2012 WAC Letter to the House of Representatives on H.R. 4965
- 03-28-2012 WAC Letter to the Senate on the Preserve the Waters of the U.S. Act
- 11-14-2011 Coalition Letter to Senate on the Clean Water Act