NAR Letters and Comments to Federal Agencies
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (Business)
- 04-16-2024 NAR Comment Letter to FinCEN Regarding Its Notice of the Proposed Rulemaking (NRPM) on Anti-Money Laundering Regulations
Appraisal Management Companies (Housing)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
Banks in Real Estate (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
Clean Water Act (Environment)
- 05-21-2024 NAR Letter to the White House OMB Regarding Advancing Public Participation and Community Engagement
FHA Programs (Federal Housing Administration) (Housing)
- 01-05-2024 NAR Letter to FHA Re 203(k) Mortgagee Letter
Federal Home Loan Bank Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
Federal Housing Finance Agency (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
Financial Regulatory Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
- 01-16-2024 NAR Comment Letter to the FDIC, OCC, and Fed Regarding the Basel III Endgame Rulemaking Proposal
- 01-16-2024 Coalition Letter to the OCC, Fed, FDIC Regarding the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rule
- 01-12-2024 Real Estate Trade Groups Comment Letter to the OCC, Fed, FDIC Regarding the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rule
- 01-12-2024 National Housing Conference Coalition Letter to the FDIC, Fed, and OCC on the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rulemaking
Government-Sponsored Enterprises (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
- 08-12-2024 NAR Comments to the FHFA Regarding their Request for Input: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Proposed 2025-2027 Duty to Serve Plans
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
- 03-27-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA, FHA, and GSEs on Independent Party Contributions (IPCs) Confirmation
Government-Sponsored Enterprises Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
Insurance (Insurance)
- 11-22-2024 NAR Thank You Letter to FEMA Admin
National Flood Insurance Program (Insurance)
- 11-22-2024 NAR Thank You Letter to FEMA Admin
Qualified Mortgage (QM)/Ability to Repay (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
Rental Housing Issues (Housing)
- 07-23-2024 Rent Control Coalition Letter to President Biden
VA (Veterans Administration) Housing (Housing)
- 03-27-2024 NAR Letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Urging It to Revise Its Policies Pertaining to Fees Veterans Cannot Pay When Using Their VA Home Loan Benefit
- 02-06-2024 NAR Comment Letter to the VA on Minimum Property Requirements for VA-Guaranteed and Direct Loans (AS02) Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Valuation Issues Update (Valuation)
- 02-04-2025 NAR Letter to Appraisal Subcommittee
- 07-26-2024 NAR Comments to The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) on the Educational Requirements for Appraiser Licensing
- 02-28-2024 NAR Letter to Federal Agencies Advocating for Solutions That Will Increase Diversity, Reduce Bias and Maintain the Public Trust in the Appraisal Profession
Worker Classification (independent contractor v. employee) (Business)
- 02-07-2024 DSA Joint Letter to DOL on the Final Rule Regarding Employee or Independent Contractor Classification under FLSA
- 02-07-2024 NAR Letter to the DOL on the Final Rule Regarding Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act