NAR Letters to Congress
Disparate Impact (Fair Housing)
- 06-29-2022 NAR Letter to House Financial Services Committee Regarding the Hearing Entitled "Boom and Bust Inequality Homeownership and the Long-Term Impacts of the Hot Housing Market"
- 06-21-2022 NAR Support Letter to House Financial Services Regarding H.R. 68, Housing Fairness Act and H.R. 4495, Downpayment Toward Equity Act
- 06-15-2022 NAR Letter to House Financial Services Committee and House Leadership Regarding Racial Equity Package
- 03-09-2022 Industry Coalition Letter to Congressional Leaders Supporting S. 3623, "Violence Against Women Reauthorization"
- 03-02-2022 NAR Letter to House Select Committee on Economic Disparity Regarding Prosperity and Growth through Affordable Housing Hearing
- 10-04-2021 Coalition Letter to Congress and Legislative Directors Regarding Homeownership in the Build Back Better Bill
- 09-28-2021 Housing and Financial Svcs Coalition Letter to Senator Schumer Supporting HR 5376 Build Back Better Act
- 04-20-2021 NAR Letter to Chair Brown and Ranking Member Toomey Regarding Housing Committee's Separate and Unequal Housing Discrimination Hearing
- 04-19-2021 NAR Support Letter to Representatives Waters and McHenry Regarding HR 2553, the "Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021"
- 02-04-2021 NAR Support Letter to Senator Menendez Regarding FY 2021 Housing Counseling Services Legislation
- 06-22-2020 NAR Letter to Congressional Leadership Regarding Police Reform
- 02-26-2020 NAR Support Letter to Representative Green Regarding HR 149 Housing Fairness Act