NAR Support Letter to Representatives Waters and McHenry Regarding HR 2553, the "Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021"

Issue Date: April 19, 2021

US HR 2553 - Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021

On April 19 NAR sent a letter to Chairwoman Waters and Ranking Member McHenry. The letter expresses NAR’s support for H.R. 2553, the “Real Estate Valuation Fairness and Improvement Act of 2021.” Discrimination in the real estate market, including the appraisal process, harms not only the participants in the transaction but the entire industry as a whole. NAR is committed to confronting any form of discrimination that creates barriers to homeownership for Americans.
Working closely with other appraiser and appraisal minded groups, NAR has been engaged in developing new programs and policies to address discrimination in real estate valuation and believes that the Task Force outlined in H.R. 2553 is a step in the right direction. The letter provides input on improving the Real Estate Valuation Task Force Advisory Committee outlined in the bill.