NAR Letters and Comments to Federal Agencies
Basel Capital Standards for Banks and Thrifts (Commercial)
- 12-02-2016 NAR CRE Coalition Letter to FDIC OCC and the Fed Regarding Basel IV
- 03-25-2013 Coalition Comments: FED/OCC/FDIC on Eliminating Controversial Mortgage Provisions in Basel III
- 10-23-2012 Comments: Fed, FDIC, OCC on Basel III
- 10-23-2012 Comments: Joint Trades Letter to Fed, OCC, FDIC on Basel III
- 07-26-2012 Coalition Letter to the Federal Reserve and the FDIC Requesting that the Basel III Comment Period be Extended
- 04-15-2010 Comments: Basel Committee on Bank Liquidity
- 04-15-2010 Comments: Basel Committee on Bank Capital