NAR Support Letter to Senators Coons and Cramer Regarding the Choice in Affordable Housing Act of 2021

Issue Date: May 26, 2021

US S 1820 - Choice in Affordable Housing Act of 2021

On May 26 NAR sent a letter to senators Coons and Cramer. The letter expresses NAR’s support for S. 1820, the Choice in Affordable Housing Act. NAR firmly believes in the mission of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help low-income families find safe and affordable housing. Unfortunately, the program has suffered from inefficient and duplicative requirements, creating a program that is difficult to administer and can seriously compromise the performance and financial viability of a property. This deters many landlords from joining the program and has had the effect of reducing the number of landlords involved in the program over the past several years. The Choice in Affordable Housing Act takes much needed steps to remedy some of the problematic elements related to inspection delays and setting fair market rents.