NAR Letters and Comments to Federal Agencies
Lease Accounting (Commercial)
- 01-29-2016 NAR Coalition Letter to FAF and FASB Regarding Private Company Council Leases
- 09-10-2012 Coalition Letter to FASB on Lease Accounting Proposal
- 05-17-2012 Congressional Letter to FASB on Joint Lease Accounting Proposal
- 04-26-2012 Comments: Coalition letter to FASB, IASB on Lease Accounting
- 07-08-2011 Comments: FASB on Lease Accounting Proposal
- 05-26-2011 Comments: FASB/IASB on Leases & Exposure Draft
- 12-08-2010 Comments: FASB/IASB on Lease Accounting Standards
- 12-01-2010 Comments: FASB on Exposure
- 10-21-2010 Comments: G-20 Meeting on Lease Accounting Project