NAR Letters and Comments to Federal Agencies
Water Resources and Water Quality (Environment)
- 05-21-2024 NAR Letter to the White House OMB Regarding Advancing Public Participation and Community Engagement
- 12-11-2023 NAR Comments to Colorado's Bureau of Reclamation on the Revised Draft Supplement Environmental Impact Statement for Near-term Colorado River Operations (RDSEIS)
- 02-07-2022 WAC Coalition Comments to EPA Regarding Proposed Revised Definition of WOTUS
- 04-15-2019 NAR Letter to EPA Administrator Wheeler Regarding WOTUS Proposed Rule
- 09-27-2017 NAR Waters Advocacy Coalition (WAC) Comments Regarding WOTUS Repeal
- 11-13-2014 Comments: Coalition Letter to EPA on "Waters of the U.S."
- 11-12-2014 Comments: Multi-Organization Letter to EPA on "Waters of the U.S."
- 08-08-2014 Comments: EPA Coalition Letter on the "Definition of 'Waters of the U.S.' under the Clean Water Act" Proposed Rule
- 11-06-2013 WAC Comment Letter to EPA: Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters
- 07-29-2011 Comments: EPA on Identification of Waters Protected by Clean Water Act