NAR Letters and Comments to Federal Agencies
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing (Business)
- 04-16-2024 NAR Comment Letter to FinCEN Regarding Its Notice of the Proposed Rulemaking (NRPM) on Anti-Money Laundering Regulations
Appraisal Management Companies (Housing)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
Banks in Real Estate (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
FHA Programs (Federal Housing Administration) (Housing)
- 01-05-2024 NAR Letter to FHA Re 203(k) Mortgagee Letter
Federal Home Loan Bank Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
Federal Housing Finance Agency (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 02-25-2025 NAR Coalition Letter Re. FHFA Proposals for Tenant Protections
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
- 07-12-2024 7.12.24 NAR Letter Re. FHFA RFI on FHLBank Core Mission Activities
Financial Regulatory Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
- 01-16-2024 Coalition Letter to the OCC, Fed, FDIC Regarding the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rule
- 01-16-2024 NAR Comment Letter to the FDIC, OCC, and Fed Regarding the Basel III Endgame Rulemaking Proposal
- 01-12-2024 Real Estate Trade Groups Comment Letter to the OCC, Fed, FDIC Regarding the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rule
- 01-12-2024 National Housing Conference Coalition Letter to the FDIC, Fed, and OCC on the Basel III Endgame Proposed Rulemaking
Government-Sponsored Enterprises (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 02-25-2025 NAR Coalition Letter Re. FHFA Proposals for Tenant Protections
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
- 08-12-2024 NAR Comments to the FHFA Regarding their Request for Input: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Proposed 2025-2027 Duty to Serve Plans
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
- 03-27-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA, FHA, and GSEs on Independent Party Contributions (IPCs) Confirmation
Government-Sponsored Enterprises Reform (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 02-25-2025 NAR Coalition Letter Re. FHFA Proposals for Tenant Protections
- 12-10-2024 NAR Letter to FHFA Re Waiver Expansion
Insurance (Insurance)
- 11-22-2024 NAR Thank You Letter to FEMA Admin
Multifamily Housing Development & Insurance (Housing)
- 02-25-2025 NAR Coalition Letter Re. FHFA Proposals for Tenant Protections
National Flood Insurance Program (Insurance)
- 11-22-2024 NAR Thank You Letter to FEMA Admin
Qualified Mortgage (QM)/Ability to Repay (Conventional Residential Lending)
- 08-01-2024 Letter to the CFPB in Response to the Request for Information Regarding Fees Imposed in Residential Mortgage Transactions
Rental Housing Issues (Housing)
- 02-25-2025 NAR Coalition Letter Re. FHFA Proposals for Tenant Protections
- 07-23-2024 Rent Control Coalition Letter to President Biden
VA (Veterans Administration) Housing (Housing)
- 03-27-2024 NAR Letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Urging It to Revise Its Policies Pertaining to Fees Veterans Cannot Pay When Using Their VA Home Loan Benefit
- 02-06-2024 NAR Comment Letter to the VA on Minimum Property Requirements for VA-Guaranteed and Direct Loans (AS02) Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Valuation Issues Update (Valuation)
- 02-04-2025 NAR Letter to Appraisal Subcommittee
- 07-26-2024 NAR Comments to The Appraisal Foundation (TAF) on the Educational Requirements for Appraiser Licensing
- 02-28-2024 NAR Letter to Federal Agencies Advocating for Solutions That Will Increase Diversity, Reduce Bias and Maintain the Public Trust in the Appraisal Profession
Water Resources and Water Quality (Environment)
- 05-21-2024 NAR Letter to the White House OMB Regarding Advancing Public Participation and Community Engagement
Worker Classification (independent contractor v. employee) (Business)
- 02-07-2024 DSA Joint Letter to DOL on the Final Rule Regarding Employee or Independent Contractor Classification under FLSA
- 02-07-2024 NAR Letter to the DOL on the Final Rule Regarding Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act