Industry Coalition Support Letter to House Leadership Regarding HR 6880, "Choice in Affordable Housing Act"

Issue Date: March 17, 2022

US HR 6880 - Choice in Affordable Housing Act

On March 17 NAR signed on to letter to Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader McCarthy. The signatories, representing for-profit and non-profit owners, operators, developers, lenders, property managers and housing cooperatives involved in the provision of affordable and conventional rental housing, support H.R. 6880, the bipartisan Choice in Affordable Housing Act and urge the passage of this legislation.
The signatories strongly support the Choice in Affordable Housing Act which authorizes and directs additional resources to attract and retain landlords in the HCV program. Permitting voucher administrators to provide signing bonuses to landlords in low-poverty areas, helping with security deposits, reducing inspection delays and expanding the use of neighborhood-specific data to set rental subsidies are practical strategies that we believe will yield the desired results.