NAR Thank You Letter to FHFA Director Calabria Regarding Mortgage Assistance Application Translation and Scripts

Issue Date: June 17, 2020

Om June 17 NAR sent a letter to FHFA Director Calabria. The letter expresses NAR's appreciate for the Director's efforts to support distressed homeowners during this pandemic through the expansion of forbearance programs and the extension of the moratorium on foreclosures and eviction actions. Housing security is critical for all during this time and FHFA’s timely responses to protect Americans has been beneficial to the stability of the country and the economy. To this end, NAR thanks you for the FHFA’s new translations of the revised Mortgage Assistance Application (MAAp) and scripts that servicers use when discussing COVID-19 forbearance with borrowers into the English, Spanish, traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, or Tagalog.