NAR Letter to House Economic Development committee Regarding FEMA 2020 Priorities Hearing.

Issue Date: March 11, 2020

On March 11, NAR sent a letter to Chair Titus and Ranking Member Katko. The letter thanks the Representatives and the Subcommittee for their continuing oversight and their hearing on “FEMA’s priorities in 2020 and beyond: Coordinating Mission and Vision.” While NAR applauds Congress and FEMA for taking great strides particularly in the resilient building and infrastructure space and the recent Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018, REALTORS® would encourage Congress to:

  • Continue to fully authorize and fund FEMA’s pre-disaster mitigation and hazard mapping programs, which help property owners, businesses and communities to locate and build more safely;
  • Reauthorize and reform the National Flood Insurance Program to become self-sustaining in the long run; and
  • Provide for disaster ready infrastructure so communities and property owners can recover more quickly and fully from natural disasters, the costs of which have been trending upward especially since 2005.