NAR Letter in Response to Chairman Hatch's Request for Recommendations Regarding Tax Reform

Issue Date: July 17, 2017

On July 17, 2017, NAR sent a letter to Chairman Hatch In response to the Senator’s invitation to submit recommendations on how the Senate can craft the most effective tax reform legislation. The letter cc’d the Full Senate Finance Committee.

The letter applauds Chairman Hatch’s leadership and that of the Senate Committee on Finance in seeking to develop ideas for comprehensive tax reform in a thoughtful, collaborative way. NAR recognizes the tremendous effort required to analyze deficiencies in the current law, study the various options for reforming the system, and consider the tremendous ramifications and trade-offs of various policy choices on different constituencies. This is a very tough challenge, and the Association appreciates the opportunity to provide input on how tax reform could affect real estate in our Nation, and especially on the present time-honored tax incentives for purchasing and owning a home.