NAR Joint Trades Coalition Letter to Basel Committee Regarding Standardised Approach for Credit Risk

Issue Date: March 27, 2015

On March 27, 2015 NAR as part of a Joint Trades Coalition sent a comment letter to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (Committee) regarding the Committee's Consultative Document titled Revisions to the Standardised Approach for Credit Risk. The joint trades believe that the Consultative Document, as drafted, will potentially impact bank lending in a deleterious manner, and by extension, national economies, as well. The Consultative Document is for determining the appropriate risk-weighting regime for credit exposures for those using the standardized approach. The Joint Tradess Coalition encourages the Basel Committee to study the impact of the proposed rule on affected industries and economies and to provide the opportunity for continued industry comment on additional changes to the rules necessary to mitigate any sectoral and macroeconomic concerns.


Download Letter Here