Bill Search

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Name Session Summary Policy Area > Topic
US S 228 2011-2012 Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act Environment > Climate Change
US S 222 2011-2012 Limiting Investor and Homeowner Loss in Foreclosure Act of 2010 Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
US S 13 2011-2012 Fair Tax Act of 2011 Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US HR 459 2011-2012 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011 Business > Regulatory Reform
US S 178 2011-2012 Spending Reduction Act of 2011
US HR 435 2011-2012 National Flood Insurance Program Termination Act of 2010 Insurance > National Flood Insurance Program
US S 77 2011-2012 Pollution and Costs Reduction Act Environment > Climate Change
US S 72 2011-2012 Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011 Federal Tax > IRS Information Reporting
US S 23 2011-2012 America Invents Act Technologies > Patent Litigation Reform
US S 135 2011-2012 Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2011 Technologies > Net Neutrality
US S 22 2011-2012 Homeowner Tax Fairness Act of 2011 Federal Tax > Property Taxes
US S 28 2011-2012 Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act Business > Wireless
US S 21 2011-2012 Cyber Security and American Cyber Competitiveness Act of 2011 Technologies > Data Privacy and Security
US S 18 2011-2012 Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act Federal Tax > IRS Information Reporting
US S 12 2011-2012 Job Creation Act of 2011 Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 7 2011-2012 Comprehensive and Fair Tax Reform Act Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 202 2011-2012 Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011 Business > Regulatory Reform
US HR 476 2011-2012 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes. Federal Tax > Property Taxes
US HR 463 2011-2012 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Transparency Act of 2011: To apply the Freedom of Information Act to the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation during any period that such entities are in conservatorship or receivership. Conventional Residential Lending > Government-Sponsored Enterprises
US S 170 2011-2012 A bill to provide for the affordable refinancing of mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
US S 80 2011-2012 A bill to provide a permanent deduction for State and local general sales taxes. Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 74 2011-2012 Internet Freedom, Broadband Promotion, and Consumer Protection Act of 2011: To preserve the free and open nature of the Internet, expand the benefits of broadband, and promote universally available and affordable broadband service. Technologies > Broadband Access
US S 24 2011-2012 A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the election to deduct State and local sales taxes. Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US HR 438 2011-2012 To amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide further requirements for the Energy Star program, and for other purposes. Environment > Climate Change
US HR 430 2011-2012 To terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program of the Department of the Treasury. Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
US S 228

Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act

  • Environment > Climate Change
US S 222

Limiting Investor and Homeowner Loss in Foreclosure Act of 2010

  • Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
US S 13

Fair Tax Act of 2011

  • Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US HR 459

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011

  • Business > Regulatory Reform
US S 178

Spending Reduction Act of 2011

US HR 435

National Flood Insurance Program Termination Act of 2010

  • Insurance > National Flood Insurance Program
US S 77

Pollution and Costs Reduction Act

  • Environment > Climate Change
US S 72

Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act of 2011

  • Federal Tax > IRS Information Reporting
US S 23

America Invents Act

  • Technologies > Patent Litigation Reform
US S 135

Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2011

  • Technologies > Net Neutrality
US S 22

Homeowner Tax Fairness Act of 2011

  • Federal Tax > Property Taxes
US S 28

Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act

  • Business > Wireless
US S 21

Cyber Security and American Cyber Competitiveness Act of 2011

  • Technologies > Data Privacy and Security
US S 18

Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act

  • Federal Tax > IRS Information Reporting
US S 12

Job Creation Act of 2011

  • Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 7

Comprehensive and Fair Tax Reform Act

  • Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 202

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2011

  • Business > Regulatory Reform
US HR 476

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and local general sales taxes.

  • Federal Tax > Property Taxes
US HR 463

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Transparency Act of 2011: To apply the Freedom of Information Act to the Federal National Mortgage Association and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation during any period that such entities are in conservatorship or receivership.

  • Conventional Residential Lending > Government-Sponsored Enterprises
US S 170

A bill to provide for the affordable refinancing of mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

  • Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
US S 80

A bill to provide a permanent deduction for State and local general sales taxes.

  • Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US S 74

Internet Freedom, Broadband Promotion, and Consumer Protection Act of 2011: To preserve the free and open nature of the Internet, expand the benefits of broadband, and promote universally available and affordable broadband service.

  • Technologies > Broadband Access
US S 24

A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the election to deduct State and local sales taxes.

  • Federal Tax > Tax Reform
US HR 438

To amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to provide further requirements for the Energy Star program, and for other purposes.

  • Environment > Climate Change
US HR 430

To terminate the Home Affordable Modification Program of the Department of the Treasury.

  • Conventional Residential Lending > Foreclosures
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